Leading Oncoplastic surgeon, Dr Nicole Yap, is pleased to announce the launch of her Breast Cancer Awareness Month Campaign, alongside an educational TV series, told from the perspective of her previous patients.

This series will explore the diagnostic and treatment journeys of these patients to promote the importance of awareness and early detection. It could save your life!

Dr Yap’s message to women, is that breast cancer need not be a death sentence if women are in tune with their bodies. Early diagnosis is key to survival and women should seek advice early when concerned about symptoms. “Regardless of your age, get tested today. “says Dr Yap

Episode 1 airs on Friday the 1st of October, the first day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and will feature two of Dr Yap’s patients, Diane Appolis and Ayda Hornack.

“I made the decision to empower myself and say, ‘No, I’m going to take this negative and I’m going to turn it into something that I can work with and be happy with” says Ayda

This series is devoted to building knowledge around breast cancer and the management of the disease and puts a spotlight on the value of approaching treatment from a holistic point of view. Each story acknowledges the trauma associated with a cancer diagnosis, and how early detection and the appropriate reconstructive and aesthetic outcomes can change the experience from a solely negative one into something empowering.

“Breast cancer, after skin cancer, is the most common cause of cancer in females. We need more people knowing about this and presenting early” – Dr Yap

The campaign is driven by the hashtag #CheckThoseBreasts, calling on women everywhere to trust their instincts and show their support for breast awareness by getting tested and going for regular screenings.