There are some of us who have amazing mothers who may not be biological mothers as they have been adopted or are orphans.
Genetic mutations are not just passed on by the mother but also the father.
Genetic testing can play an important part in assisting with the management of your health for the future in these circumstances.
This is an orphan who I operated on in China to correct his cleft lip so that he could be more easily adopted to live a better life. Genetic testing will help him and his future family make good health decisions for the future.
People who have any of the following:
- Family history of breast cancer in 1st or 2nd degree relatives
- Family history of ovarian cancer in 1st or 2nd degree relatives
- Family history of male breast cancer
- Are of Ashkenazi Jewish decent
- Obtain a GP referral to a Breast Specialist with an interest in Genetic testing.
- Consultation with Breast Specialist and referral for blood test for either BRCA 1/2 or Bra Ovo depending on family history, at either Dorevitch or Melbourne Pathology collection centres
- After 3-4 weeks, consultation with breast specialist for result.
Action according to result
- POSITIVE – Preventative surgery or increased breast surveillance.
- NEGATIVE – doesn’t necessarily mean there is NO genetic mutation but rather it was not in the test. Must still adhere to strict surveillance protocol